Below we are a series of Frequently Asked Questions that will help you get a clear picture of what Emmaus and Chrysalis are intended to be and what you can expect with participating in the experience.

Who Should Participate?
Emmaus and Chrysalis are open to members
of any Christian denomination.
Both are intended for the development of
Christian leaders who:
Are members of a local church (not required for Chrysalis)
Have a desire to strengthen their spiritual lives
May have unanswered questions about their faith
Understand that being a Christian involves responsibility
Are willing to dedicate their everyday lives to God in an ongoing manner.

Don't Go If...?
Sacramento Camp and Conference Center is in the Sacramento mountains at an elevation of 7,500 feet. While there is not a lot of walking, there is some, and the hills are fairly steep. If you have limited mobility, this environment may be challenging.
There are five talks on each day. Each talk is approximately 20 minutes long. These are following by an equal amount of discussion time in your small group of 6 to 10 people. You may not want to attend if you are unable to take part in these activities.
If you do not meet the criteria stated above Who should go ..., you probably should not attend.

What Happens
on a Walk to Emmaus & Chrysalis Journey?
You will enjoy three days of singing, learning, laughing, worshiping, reflecting, praying and participating in small groups. Discussions center around fifteen talks given by laity and clergy. These talks present the theme of God’s grace, how that grace comes alive in the Christian community and how it is expressed in the world. You’ll also discover how grace is real in your life, how you live a life of grace, and how you bring that grace to others.
You will have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and to understand more fully the body of Christ. You will experience God’s grace through the prayers and acts of anonymous service offered by the Emmaus community. You will leave with an experience of Christian love in action that will equip you for new levels of grace-filled service and leadership.

How Do I Attend?
The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with the prayerful discernment and an
invitation from a sponsor.
After you accept this invitation
you and your sponsor complete an application.
Applications are reviewed by the Borderlands Emmaus Community leaders and
you are accepted to attend a three-day weekend.

Why Do I Need
a Sponsor?
Your sponsor plays a crucial role in your Walk to Emmaus or Chrysalis experience. Your sponsor will answer any questions you have, get you to and from the site, provide assistance to your family in your absence, pray for you before, during, and after the weekend, and ensure you get involved in a small group after your weekend.